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Have a story about Las Olas Boulevard that you want to share with the community? We want it!
Fill out this form with your story, a title, and up to five images (please send us jpgs). Please limit submissions to 350 words, and be sure to include your contact information in case we have questions.
Please note that the publication of any article is subject to editorial approval by the Las Olas Association, and that submissions may be edited.
Upload up to 5 images (jpgs or pngs) and please name your files so we can match them to your story.
I guarantee that this submission is my own original work, or that I have the express written permission of the original author or publisher to share it. I further acknowledge that everything stated in this article is true and accurate and can be independently verified. *
I acknowledge that I will receive no compensation for this article, and that I may reproduce or republish with other entities. *
I have read and understood the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of the Las Olas Association website, and acknowledge that my information will not be shared or sold to a third-party without my consent.*