Summer Solstice Flow with the Sound of Tribal Drumming

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It’s that time of year! We are heading into longer days and shorter nights. Help welcome the Summer season with us. This workshop will include an all-levels Vinyasa-based flow to the beat of tribal drums played live. The call of the drum is a powerful force that awakens something ancient and ancestral within us.  About the Tribal Drum:  Helps quiets the thinking mind  Opens our consciousness and slows brain waves The drum beat is known as the pulse (heartbeat) of the universe Connects us with Spirit Activates the pineal gland and the third eye chakra Re-circulates energy, blood, and information throughout the brain’s neocortex During this experience, we will reflect on the Spring season and set new intentions for the Summer. The Solstice asks us to step into the light of the Sun and express ourselves without reservation. We would love for you to take part in creating a powerful energy that will carry us into the Summer. Bring a pen, Yoga mat, a journal, and any crystals or items that are special to you. $35 | Member discounts apply

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