Yearly Archives: 2018

Las Olas Safety Project Seeks to Improve Traffic

April 2018 - The Las Olas Boulevard Six-month Safety Improvements Demonstration Project is part of an overall Community Investment Plan that includes safety and traffic calming improvements within the Colee Hammock neighborhood, and additional safety and traffic flow improvements along S.E. 15th Avenue. The goal of the Las Olas Boulevard Demonstration Project is to create [...]

2020-04-22T11:47:29-04:00April 9th, 2018|Blog|

Designated Rideshare Zones Created on Las Olas Boulevard

April 2018 - The City of Fort Lauderdale is doing a pilot study for designated rideshare zone along Las Olas  Boulevard as a part of their safe streets,  Vision Zero multi-national road traffic safety project that aims to achieve a highway system with no fatalities or serious injuries involving road traffic. Designated rideshare zones on Las [...]

2020-04-22T12:20:23-04:00April 6th, 2018|Blog|

Home on the Boulevard; Memories of Watching Las Olas Grow Up

April 1, 2018 - A Message from Las Olas Association President Luke Moorman Watching Las Olas grow up from five and dime to stylish and chic ... For me, Las Olas is home. Like every home, it changes as the members of the family grow and change. As I write this, El Camino will be newly [...]

2020-04-22T11:50:07-04:00April 2nd, 2018|Blog|